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Bibliography & My Library
A selection of medieval books & publications

These are grouped into topics but many of these books are useful for a number of areas of research.
these books are occasionally in both categories,
but have been mostly included in the areas I found them most useful.

Clothing & Textiles

A Dictionary of English Costume 900-1900
by C.W. & P.E. Cunnington and Charles Beard
Adam & Charles Black
London. 1960

A Dictionary of Costume and Fashion
by Mary Brooks Picken
Dover Fashion and Costumes
Dover Publications Inc.
23 March, 1999

A History of Costume In The West
by Francois Boucher
Thames & Hutton
London. 1989
Clothes Make the Man
by Valerie R. Hotchkiss
New Middle Ages
Taylor & Francis Inc.
Costume Design and Making
A Practical Handbook by Adam and Charles Black, London, 1937

by Mary Fernald and E. Shenton
Dover Publications Inc.
Mineola, New York, 2006
Courtly Love Undressed
Reading Through Clothes in Medieval French Culture
by E. Jane Burns
University of Pennsylvania Press
30th August 2005
Dress In Italian Painting
1460 - 1500

by Elizabeth Birbari
W & J Mackay Limited
Great Britain: 1975
Dress In The Middle Ages
Francoise Piponnier & Perrine Mane
Translated by Caroline Beamish
Yale University Press
New Haven & London. 1997
Early Decorative Textiles
Translated by Yuri Gabriel from the Italian original
Il Tessuto nell'Arte Antica

by W. Fritz Volbach
Paul Hamblyn, Cameo
London, 1969
English Costume
by Dion Clayton Calthrop
Adam & Charles Black
London · MCMVII
English Costume of the Early Middle Ages
The Tenth to the Thirteenth Centuries

Drawn & described by Iris Brooke
A & C Black
London, 1936
Fashion in the Age of the Black Prince
A Study of the Years 1340-1365

by Stella Mary Newton
Boydell & Brewer Ltd
The Boydell Press 1980
Gothic Woman's Fashion
Dust Jacket Title: Gothic Fashion in Women's Dress
by Olga Sronkova
translated by Dr. Emil Fiala
Artia; First Edition edition 1954
Historic Costumes and How To Make Them
an unabridges republication of:
Costume Design and Making: A Practical Handbook

by Adam and Charles Black, London, 1937

by Mary Fernald and E. Shenton
Dover Publications Inc.
Mineola, New York, 2006
La Cotte Simple-
An exploration of clothing and accessories of the late 14th and early 15th centuries

by Tasha Dandelion Kelly
Copyright ©2003–2011
Medieval Clothing and Textiles.
Book 1

Edited by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
The Boydell Press. 2005

Medieval Clothing and Textiles.
Book 2

Edited by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
The Boydell Press. 2005

Medieval Clothing and Textiles.
Book 3

Edited by Robin Netherton and Gale R. Owen-Crocker
The Boydell Press. 2005
Medieval Costume and Fashion
by Herbert Norris.
Dover Publications Inc.
England. 1999
Medieval Costume, Armour and Weapons
by Zoroslava Drobná, Jan Durdík, Eduard Wagner
Dover Fashion and Costumes
April 7, 2014
Medieval Costume in England and France
The 13th, 14th and 15th centuries
by Mary G Newton.
Dover Fashion and Costumes.
Dover Publications
April 11, 1996
Medieval Fabrications.
Dress, Textiles, Cloth Work & other Cultural Imaginings

edited by E. Jane Burns
The New Middle Ages Series
Palgrave Macmillian, 2004
Medieval Garments Reconstructed
Norse Clothing Patterns

by Else Ostergard, Anna Norgard, Lilli Fransen
Aarhus University Press
27 February, 2011

Merchants, Princes and Painters
Silk Fabrics in Italian and Northern Paintings, 1300-1550

Lisa Monnas
Yale University Press
February 17, 2009

Of His Array Telle I No Longer Tale
Aspects of Costume, arms and armour in Western Europe,

by H.M. Zijlstra-Zweens
Rodopi Press
Amsterdam, 1988
  Some Clothing of the Middle Ages
Historical Clothing from Archaeological Finds

by I. Marc Carleson
Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005.
Stockings & Suspenders- A Quick Flash
by Rosemary Hawthorne
Souvenier Press
Great Britain. 1993
Textiles and Clothing, c.1150-1450
Finds from Medieval Excavations in London

Medieval Finds from Excavations in London series
by Elisabeth Crowfoot, Frances Pritchard & Kay Staniland
Museum of London
The Boydell Press. 1992
  The 1363 English Sumptuary Law
A Comparison with Fabric Prices of the Late 14th Century

by Sarah Kelly Silverman
The Ohio State University

The Historical Encyclopedia of Costumes
by Albert Racinet
Facts On File
New York, 1988

The Medieval Clothier
by John S Lee
Boydell & Brewer
The Boydell Press.
Woodbridge. 2018

The Medieval Tailor's Assistant
Making common garments, 1200 - 1500

by Sarah Thursfield
Quite Specific Media Group Ltd.
California, 2001
Tapestries from the Renaissance to the 19th Century
Cassell's Styles In Art
Cassell Publishers Ltd,
London 1988
The Bayeux Tapestry
by L Musset,
Professer at Caen University
Artaud Freres Publication
World Textiles
A Concise History

by Mary Schoeser
Thames & Hudson World of Art
09 Jun 2003


Dress Accessories

Dress Accessories 1150-1450.
Medieval Finds from Excavations In London

by Geoff Egan and Frances Pritchard
Museum of London
The Boydell Press, 2002

Pilgrim Souveniers and Secular Badges
Brian Spencer
Museum of London
The Boydell Press

Medieval Jewellery in Europe

by Marion Campbell
V&A Museum
V&A Publishing
London, 2009
Medieval Dress Accessories from Nowy Targ Square in Wroclaw
Catalogue of Finds

by Jakub Sawicki
Yellow Point Publications
Wroclaw. 2017
Seven Thousand Years of Jewellery
edited by Hugh Tait
British Museum Press
April, 1989
Shoes and Pattens.
Medieval Finds from Excavations in London

by Francis Grew & Margarethe de Neergaard
Museum of London
The Boydell Press


Women's Studies & Sex

A History of Private Life
Book II: Revelations of the Medieval World

General editors Phillipe Aries and Georges Duby
translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Belknap Press
Harvard University, 1988
A Medieval Home Companion.
Housekeeping in the Fourteenth Century

Translated and edited by Tania Bayard
Harper Trade
New York, 1991
A Small Sound of the Trumpet
Women in Medieval Life

by Margaret W Labarge
Beacon Press
Boston, 1986
Between Pit and Pedestal-
Women in the Middle Ages

by Marty Williams and Anne Echols
Markus Wiener Publishers,
Princeton, NJ 1994
  But to Foule Lust and Likynge of Lecherye
by Rachel Esa Scott
Atlantian University, USA
February 2, 2019
  Female Sodomy:
The Trial of Katherina Hetzeldorfer (1477)

by Helmut Puff
Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 30
Winter, 2000: 42 & 46
Here Begins The Seeing Of The Urines
an original 13th-15th Century Urine Diagnosis Pamphlet

Theophrastus von oberstockstall
The Restoreres of Alchemical Manuscripts Society
Letters to Fransciso Datini
Volume 16 of Other voice in early modern Europe: Toronto series
by Margherita Datini

Translated by Carolyn James, Antonio Pagliaro
Contributors Victoria University (Toronto, Ont.). Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Iter (Toronto, Ont.)
Little Sermons on Sin:
The Archpriest of Talavera

by Alfonso Martínez de Toledo
translated by Lesley Byrd Simpson
University of California Press
February 1, 1959
Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages
by George Duby
Translated by Jane Dunnett.
The University of Chicago Press
Love Locked Out
A Survey of Love, Licence and Restriction in the Middle Ages

by James Cleugh
Athony Blond
London, 1963
Marriage in Medieval England
Law, Literature and Practice

By: Conor McCarthy
Boydell & Brewer Ltd
1st November 2004
Marriage Litigation in Medieval England
by R. H. Helmholz
Cambridge Studies in English Legal History
Cambridge University Press
1 May 2007
Marriage, Sex and Civic Customs in Late Medieval London
By Shannon McSheffrey
University of Pennsylvania Press
06 July, 2006
Medieval Handbooks of Penance
A Translation of the Principal Libri Poenitentiales

Translated by John Thomas McNeill & Helena M. Gamer
Records of Western Civilization Series
University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton
United States, 1 November, 1990
Medieval Marriage
Symbolism and Society

By David D'Avray
Oxford University Press
Oxford, UK, 01 March, 2008
Medieval Marriage Sermons
Mass Communication in a Culture without Print

Edited by David D'Avray
Oxford University Press
Oxford, UK
13 September, 2001
Medieval Women
A Social History of Women in England 450 - 1500

by Henrietta Leyser
Pheonix Giant Paperback
Orion Books

Medieval Writings on Secular Women
by Patricia Skinner
Penguin Classics
1st edition, May 31, 2011

Mistress, Maids and Men
Baronial Life in the Thirteenth Century

by Margaret Wade Labarge
Great Britain. 1965
Cathars and Catholics In A French Village. 1294-1324

by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
Translated by Barbara Bray
Scholar Press.
Penguin Books.
England, 1978
Most Wise & Valiant Ladies-
Remarkable Lives, Women of the Middle Ages

by Andrea Hokins
Welcome Rain / Collins
London. 2000
Plucked, Shaved & Braided
Medieval and Renaissance Beauty and Grooming Practices 1000-1600

by Daniela Turudich and Laurie J. Welch
Vintage Living series
June 1, 2003

Stolen Women in Medieval England
Rape, Abduction, and Adultery, 1100–1500

Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Book 87
by Caroline Dunn
Campridge, October 4, 2012

The Amorous Antics Of Old England
by Nigel Cawthorne
1st edition, 9 November, 2006
The Art of Courtly Love
by Andreas Capellanus
Records of Western Civilization Series
Columbia University Press
May 16, 1990

The Artifice of Beauty
A History and Practical Guide to Perfumes and Cosmetics

by Sally Pointer
The History Press Ltd

The City of Ladies
by Christine de Pizan

Penguin Great Ideas
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
London, United Kingdom
01 October, 2005
The Distaff Gospels:
A First Modern English Edition of Les Evangiles des Quenouilles

Edited by Madeleine Jeay , Edited by Kathleen Garay
Broadview Press Ltd
Peterborough, Canada
30 May 2006
The Enclyclopedia of Concentrated Aphrodisiacs
By William H. Lee R.Ph., Ph.D. & Lynn Lee
Instant Improvement, Inc. Trading as Bookman Home Library
Melbourne. 1994
The Fourth Estate
A History of Women in the Middle Ages (Revised edition)

By Shulamith Shahar
Taylor & Francis Ltd
Imprint Routledge
London, United Kingdom, 01 May 2003
The Goodman of Paris. Le Menagier de Paris
A Treatise on Moral and Domestic Economy by A Citizen of Paris. c.1393

Translated by Eileen Power
George Routeledge A Sons Ltd 1928
The Folio Society. 1992
The Letters of Abelard and Heloise.
Translated with an introduction by Betty Radice
Penguin Books
London. 1974
The Lady in Medieval England

by Peter Coss.
A Sutton Publishing Book.
Wren's Park Publishing
U.K. 1998.
The Medieval Housewife
& Other Women of the Middle Ages
by Toni Mount
Amberley Publishing
November 15, 2014
The Medieval Woman's Guide to Health:
The first english gynecological handbook.
Middle English Text with introduction and Modern English Translation

By Beryl Rowland
Kent State University Press,
Kent, Ohio: 1981.

The Merchant of Prato's Wife:
Margherita Datini and Her World, 1360-1423

by Ann Crabb

To Get

The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women
by Rosalie Gilbert
Mango Publishing, USA
November, 2020
The Scorcery Trial of Alice Kyteler
A contemporary Account (1324)
Together with Related Documents in Engllish Translation,
with Introduction and Notes

Edited by L.S. Davidson and J.O. Ward
Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies
Bingham, New York, 1993

Women and Gender in Medieval Europe
An Encylcopedia
edited by Margaret Schaup
Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group
New York and London. 2015

Women, Family and Society in Medieval Europe
Historical Essays, 1978-1991

by David Herlihy
Berghahn Books
USA, 1995

Women and Power in the Middle Ages
by editors Mary Erler & Maryanne Kowaleski
Univ of Georgia Pr, Athens, Georgia,
U.S.A. 1988

Women in England, c.1275-1525
Documentary Sources

Edited by P.J.P. Goldberg
Translated by P.J.P. Goldberg
Manchested University Press
20 November, 2002

Women in the Medieval English Countryside
Gender & Household in Brigstock Before the Plague

by Judith M Bennett
Oxford University Press
New York, 1987
Women in the Middle Ages
The Lives of Real Women in a Vibrant Age of Transition

by Frances & Joseph Gies
Harper & Row
New York, 1980.

Women of the English Nobility and Gentry

by Jennifer Ward
Medieval Sources

Women's Secrets:
A Translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus' De Secretis Mulierum
with Commentaries

by Helen Rodnite Lemay
SUNY series in Medieval Studies
October 14, 1992


Seven Thousand Years of Jewellery
edited by Hugh Tait
British Museum Press
New edition edition
April 1989
Medieval Artifacts of England and the United Kingdom.
Medieval Edition 2015
by Brett Hammond
Greenlight Publishing. 2015
British Artefacts
Volume 1 - Early Anglo-Saxon

by Brett Hammond
Greenlight Publishing
The Publishing House
Essex, 2009
British Artefacts
Volume 2 - Middle Saxon & Viking

AD 650 - 950
by Brett Hammond
Greenlight Publishing
The Publishing House
Essex, 2010
British Artefacts
Volume 3 - Late Saxon, Late Viking & Norman
AD 950 - 1150

By Brett Hammond
Greenlight Publishing
The Publishing House
Essex, 2013
1250 - 1800

by Ross Whitehead
Greenlight Publishing
United Kingdom, 2016
Buttons & Fasteners
500BC - AD1840

by Gordon Bailey
Greenlight Publishing
United Kingdom, 2016
Dress Accessories 1150-1450
Medieval Finds from Excavations In London

by Geoff Egan and Frances Pritchard
Museum of London
The Boydell Press, 2002

Finds Indentified
An Illustrated guide to metal detecting and archaeological finds

by Kevin Leahy and Michael Lewis
The British Museum's Portable Antiquities Scheme
Greenlight Publishing. UK

Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft
by A E Brinckmann
Verlagsgemeinschaft Athenaion
Medieval Art

by James Robinson
The British Museum
The British Museum Press,2012
Masterpieces- Early Medieval Art
Sonja Marzinzik
The British Museum Press
London, United Kingdom, 27 January, 2014
  Medieval & Renaissance Material Culture
by Karen Larsdatter
Medieval Artifacts
Catalogue and Price Guide

by Nigel Mills
Greenlight Publishing
Medieval Dress Accessories
from Nowy Targ Square in Wroclaw
Catalogue of Finds

by Jakub Sawicki
Yellow Point Publications
Wroclaw, 2017
Medieval Jewellery
in Europe 1100-1500

by Marion Campbell
V&A Museum
V&A Publishing
London, 2009

Pilgrim Souveniers and Secular Badges
Brian Spencer
Museum of London
The Boydell Press

Crown of Bohemia. 1347-1437

edited by Barbara Drake Boehm and Jiri Fajit
Metropolitian Museum of Art
Yale University Press
New Haven and London, 2005
Secret Treasures of Russia
One Thousand Years of Gold and Silver for the State History Museum : Moscow

by Exhibitions Australia Art
October 1, 1992

Shoes and Pattens
Medieval Finds from Excavations in London

by Francis Grew & Margarethe de Neergaard
Museum of London
The Boydell Press, 2001

The Medieval Art of Love
Objects and Subjects of Desire

by Michael Camille
Laurence King Publishing
London, 1998
The Medieval Household
Daily Living. 1150-1450

Museum of London Series
by Geoff Egan
The Boydell Press
26 January, 2016
The Secular Spirit:
Life and Art at the End of the Middle Ages

by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
EP Dutton & Co
NY Inc.

Museums, Churches & Cathedrals

Glorious Glass
Stained Glass in the Abbey Museum Collection

By Michael Strong
Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology

The Holy See Vatican Collections
Brisbane Expo
Kaariye Mosque.
The Old Hora Monastery

Guzel Sanatlar Matbaasi
Turkey, 1979
Stained Glass In Canterbury Cathedral
by Sarah Brown
Cathedral Gifts
UK, 1995
The Basilica of Saint Mark and the Gold Altarpiece
120 colour plates
by Maria Da Villa Urbani
Storti Edizoni
Venizia, 1996 - 1997
The Berlin Museum
Paintings in the Picture Gallery,
Dahlem-West Berlin

by Rudiger Klessmann translated from the German
Harry N Abrams Inc.
New York, 1971
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

edited by Kathleen Howard
The Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York. 1983
The Poldi - Pezzoli Museum in Milan.
Visitor's Guide

by Franco Russoli
Arnaud, Florence. 1970
The Vatican Collections
The Papacy and Art

By Vatican Museums
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, United States
i August, 2013
The Peter and Paul Altarpiece and Friedrich Pacher
by Avraham Ronen
Tel Aviv University,
Jerusalem. 1974
Unexpected Treasure
Highlights from the Abbey Museum
Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology
by M. K. Strong, A. Pilcher, A and B. Cowell
Zagorsk State Museum
Preserve of History and Art

An Illustrated Guidebook
Planeta Publishers
Moscow, 1988


by JMS Ward, B.A., F.R. Hist. S
The Cambridge Manuals of Science & Literature
Cambridge at the University Press
Brasses and Brass Rubbings
by Clare Gittings
Blandford Press
London. 1970
Hertfordshire Brasses
A Guide To Brasses in the Churches of Hertfordshire

by Mary Rensten
Hertfordshire Publications

Manuscripts & Illuminated Manuscripts

Basic Documents in Medieval History
No. 38

by Norton Downs
An Anvil Original
D. Van Nostrand Co.
New Jersey. 1959

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
For the Modern Reader

by Geoffrey Chaucer
Prepared and Edited by Arthur Burrell, M.A.
J.M.Dent and Co.
London, May 1909

by Froissant
Penguin; 1st edition
17 December, 2001
Czechoslovakian Miniatures
From Romanesque and Gothic Manuscripts

by Jan Kvet
Fontana Unesco Art Books
Ettiquette For Renaissance Gentlemen
by Baldesar Castiglione

Translated by George Bull
Penguin 60's Classic
Gawain and the Green Knight
by Anonymous
Translated by Brian Stone
Penguin Classics
November 30, 1959
Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts
by Emma Pirani
Hildegard von Bingen's Physica
The Complete English Translation of Her Classic Work on Health and Healing

edited by Priscilla Throop
Healing Arts Press
Illuminators & Patrons in Fourteenth-Century England
The Psalter & Hours of Humphrey de Bohun
and the Manuscripts of the Bohun Family

by Lucy Freeman Sandler
The British Library & University of Toronto Press
History of Illuminated Manuscript
by Christopher De Hamel
Phaidon Press
26 Sept 1997
Here Begins The Seeing Of The Urines
an original 13th-15th Century Urine Diagnosis Pamphlet

Theophrastus von oberstockstall
The Restoreres of Alchemical Manuscripts Society
Holistic Healing
Hildegard of Bingen
Liturgical Press
12 September, 1994
Illuminated Manuscripts
by John Bradley
Braken Books
London, 1996
Illuminated Manuscripts
The Pocket Library of Art
Brockhampton Press,
London, 1997

Illustrated Letters of the Paston Family
Private Life In The 15th Century

edited by Roger Virgoe
London, 1989

Late Antique and Early Christian Book Illumination
by Kurt Weitzmann
George Braziller
First Edition June 1, 1977
Medieval Rural Life
from the Luttrell Psalter

by Janet Backhouse
The British Library
Magna Carta
Icon of Liberty

edited by Rex Davis
Published by the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln
Meetings With Remarkable Manuscripts
by Christopher de Hamel

Medieval Handbooks of Penance
A Translation of the Principal Libri Poenitentiales

Translated by John Thomas McNeill & Helena M. Gamer
Records of Western Civilization Series
University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton
United States, 1 November, 1990

Medieval Woman's Guide to Health:
The first english gynecological handbook.
Middle English Text with introduction and Modern English Translation

By Beryl Rowland
Kent State University Press
Kent, Ohio
Piers Ploughman
A New Translation of the B-text
by William Langland
Translated by A. V. C. Schmidt
World's Classics
Oxford University Press
Piers the Plowman
The Vision of William Concerning Piers The Plowman

by William Langland (or Langley)
edited by the Rev Walter W. Skeat, Litt,D.
Clarendon Press series
Oxford, 1890
Prayers of Henry VII:
Book of Days

Chatsworth Library
January 1, 1993
The Decameron of of Giovanni Boccaccio (unexpurgated)
Rigg's faithful and complete translation with the original 16 plates by louis Chalon now reproduced and colopured by hand

The Best Illustrated Edition
Volume the Second
Privately Printed For The Navarre Society Limited 63/-
The Four Seasons of The House of Cerruti
by Judith Spencer, Ibn Bu=tlsan
Facts on File
December 31, 1984
On Union With God
by Albert the Great
Ways of Mysticism
Continuum Publishing Inc.
London, 2000
The Art of Courtly Love
by Andreas Capellanus
Records of Western Civilization Series
Columbia University Press
May 16, 1990
The City of Ladies
by Christine de Pizan
Penguin Great Ideas
Publisher Penguin Books Ltd
London, United Kingdom
01 October, 2005
The Golden Age of Manuscript Painting
1200 -1500

by Richard Marks & Nigel Morgan
George Braziller Inc.
The Goodman of Paris
Le Menagier de Paris
A Treatise on Moral and Domestic Economy by A Citizen of Paris. c.1393

Translated by Eileen Power
George Routeledge A Sons Ltd 1928
The Folio Society, 1992
The Medieval Health Handbook
Tacuinum Sanitatis

Translated and adapted by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook
from the original Italian edition by Luisa Cogliati Arano
George Braziller NY 1976
The Romance of King Arthur
Abridged from Malory's Morte d'Arthur

by Alfred W. Pollard
Macmillan and Co. Limited
The Romance of The Rose
by Guillaume de Lorris & Jean de Muen

A new translation by Frances Horgan
Oxford World's Classics
The Splendor of the Word
Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts
at the New York Public Library

by Jonathan Alexander, James Marrow & Lucy Freeman Sandler
Harvey Miller Publishers

The Trotula
An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine

The Middle Ages Series
edited by Monica H. Green
University of Pennsylvania Press

  Transgressing the Boundaries of Holiness:
Sexual Deviance in the Early Medieval Penitential Handbooks of Ireland, England and France 500-1000.

by Christine A. McCann
Theses. 76. 2010.
Women's Secrets
A Translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus' De Secretis Mulierum with Commentaries

by Helen Rodnite Lemay
SUNY series in Medieval Studies
October 14, 1992.
York Notes on The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale
Geoffrey Chaucer

Notes by W. E. East
Longman Literature Guides
Longman York Press

Art & Artists

15th Century Paintings
(English translation)
by Rose-Marie & Rainer Hagen
Icon Series
Taschen, 2001

1000 Masterpieces
of European Painting from 1300 to 1850

by Christiane Stukenbrock & Babara Topper
A Documentary History of Art
Volume 1. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance

Selected and edited by Elizabeth Gilmore Holt
A DoubleDay Anchor Book
Garden City.
New York
Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages
by Umberto Eco
Yale Univ Press
Art and Society in Italy 1350 - 1500
by Evelyn Welch
Oxford History of Art series
Oxford University Press
Art Treasures in France
Monuments, Masterpieces, Commissions & Collections

by Paul Hamlyn
The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd.
London, Sydney 1969
Art Treasures in Germany
Monuments, Masterpieces, Commissions & Collections

by Paul Hamlyn
The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd.
London, Sydney
Art Treasures in Italy
Monuments, Masterpieces, Commissions & Collections

by Paul Hamlyn
The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd.
London, Sydney
Artists of the Renaissance
A selection from "Lives of the Artists"

by Giorgio Vasari
Penguin Books Ltd
London, 1965
by Grigore Arbore
Abbey Library
Early Medieval Art
by John Beckwith
Praeger World of Art Paperbacks
Books That Matter
Fine Books
Pleasures and Treasures

by Alan G. Thomas
G.P. Putnam's Sons
New York, 1967
Flemish Painting From Van Eyck To Breughel
Translated from the French by Jonathan Griffin
by Pierre Courthion
The Student's Gallery series,
Thames & Hudson, London. 1958
Fra Angelico
An introduction to the work of Fra Angelico

by Christopher Lloyd
Phaidon Colour Library
August 27, 1992
Gothic Art
Visual Encyclopedia of Art
Scala Group, Florence
Italy. 2010
Gold-Ground Italian Painting
From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance

by Cristian Campos
1st November, 2011
Gothic Art
by Victoria Charles & Klaus H Carl
Parkstone Press International
New York. 2012
Peinture Francais
Des Origines au XVI seicle Collection des Maitres

by Germain Bazin Conservateur adjoint au Musee du Louvre
Braun & C.
Paris, 1937
Piero Della Francesca
Art Classics
translation, Anne Ellis Ruzzante
New York. 2006
Romanesque Art
Victria Charles & Klaus H Carl
Parkstone Press International
New York. 2012
The Art of Fresco Painting
in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

by Mrs Mary P Merrifield
Dover Publications
The Book Of Art
Volume 1 Origins of Western Art

Text by Dr Donald E Strong
Grolier Incorporated
Designed in London
Printed in Italy, 1965
The Italian Renaissance
Painting of the Western World

by Ian Barras Hill
Galley Press
Netherlands, 1980
The Paintings of Bruegel
Complete Edition by F Grossmann
Phaidon Press
The Vatican Collections
The Papacy and Art

By Vatican Museums
Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York, United States
i August, 2013
Van Eyck To Bruegel
The Fifteenth Century

by Friedlander
translated from the German by Marguerite Kay
Great Britain. 1969
Wet Wall Tattoos
the Art Of Fresco

by Richard Maschal
USA. 1993

Art and Architecture of the Late Middle Ages
1350 to the Advent of the Renaissance

by Wim Swaam
Crescent Books
NY 1982
Heavenly Vaults
From Romanesque to Gothic in European Architecture

by David Stephenson
Princton Architectural Press
NY. 2009
Medieval Ornamental Styles
Polychromatic Decoration as Applied to Buildings in the Medieval Style

by W & G Audsley
Wordsworth Editions
Pattern Design
An Introduction to the Study of Formal Ornamentation
with over 400 illustrations

by Archibald H Christie
Dover Publications Inc.
New York, 1969
The English Abbey
It's Life and Work in the Middle Ages
by Fred H. Crossley, FSA
Charles Scribner's Sons
London, 1939, 2nd Edition
The Manor Houses of England
by PH Ditchfield
Illustrated by Sydney R Jones
Studio Editions Ltd.
The Guernsey Press Co.


A History of Drugs
by Lydia Mez-Mangold
F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. Ltd.
Basle, Switzerland. 1971

A History of Medicine: Volume II
Early Greek, Hindu, and Persian Medicine

by Henry E. Sigerist
A History of Medicine Series
Oxford University Press Inc
September 24, 1987

Culpeper's Complete Herbal & English Physician
by Culpeper
Chrysalis Books
Greenwich Editions, 2003

Here Begins The Seeing Of The Urines
an original 13th-15th Century Urine Diagnosis Pamphlet

Theophrastus von oberstockstall
The Restoreres of Alchemical Manuscripts Society.
Hildegard von Bingen's Physica
The Complete English Translation of Her Classic Work on Health and Healing

edited by Priscilla Throop
Healing Arts Press, 1998
Holistic Healing
by Hildegard of Bingen
Liturgical Press
12 September, 1994
The Medieval Woman's Guide to Health
The first english gynecological handbook.
Middle English Text with introduction and Modern English Translation

by Beryl Rowland
Kent State University Press
Kent, Ohio
Old English Medical Remedies
Mandrake, Wormwood and Raven's Eye

by Sinead Spearing
Pen & Sword History
South Yorkshire, 2017
The Medieval Health Handbook
Tacuinum Sanitatis

Translated and adapted by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook
from the original Italian edition by Luisa Cogliati Arano
George Braziller
NY 1976
The Four Seasons of the House of Cerruti
Translated by Judith Spencer
Complete Revised Translation
Facts On File Publications
New York
England, 1983
The Trotula
An English Translation of the Medieval Compendium of Women's Medicine

The Middle Ages Series
edited by Monica H. Green
University of Pennsylvania Press
The Western Medical Tradition
800 BC to AD 1800

by Lawrence I. Conrad
Cambridge University Press
Women's Secrets
A Translation of Pseudo-Albertus Magnus' De Secretis Mulierum with Commentaries

by Helen Rodnite Lemay
SUNY series in Medieval Studies
October 14, 1992

History, Society & Literature: England

Age of Chivalry
Art and Society in Late Medieval England

edited by Nigel Saul
Brockhampton Press
England, 1995.

A Strong Land & A Sturdy
England in the Middle Ages

The Mirror of Britain Series
by Richard Barbar
Andre Deutsch Ltd.
London, 1976
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
For the Modern Reader

by Geoffrey Chaucer
Prepared and Edited by Arthur Burrell, M.A.
J.M.Dent and Co.
London May 1909.
Chronicles of the Age of Chivalry
The Plantagenet dynasty from 1216 to 1377: Henry III and the three Edwards, the Era of the Black Prince and the Black Death

by Elizabeth Hallam
Tiger Books International
London, 1995
Cooking and Dining in Medieval England
By Peter Brears
Prospect Books
30 June, 2012
Crusaders and Medieval Knights of Britain
by Sir David O'Lorcan
Daily Life In Chaucer's England
by Jeffrey L. Singman and Will McLean
Greenwood Press
English Society in the Early Middle Ages

by Doris Mary Stenton
The Pelican History of England
Penguin Books
Everyday Life in Medieval London
From the Anglo-Saxons to the Tudors
by Toni Mount
Amberley Publishing
England, 2014
Illustrated English Social History
Volume 1

Chaucer's England and the Early Tudors
by G. M. Trevelyan
Longmans, Green and Co
London, New York, Toronto, 1952
Life In Norman England
by O.G. Tomkeieff
English Life Series
BT Batsford Ltd.
London, W1
Making A Living in the Middle Ages
The People of Britain, 850 – 1520

by Christopher Dyer
Yale University Press
Mistress, Maids and Men
Baronial Life in the Thirteenth Century

by Margaret Wade Labarge
Great Britain, 1965
Seven Hundred Years of English Cooking
by Maxine McKendry
edited by Arabell Boxer
Treasure Press
January 1, 1973
Terry Jones' Medieval Lives
by Alan Ereira
BBC Books
May 5th, 2005
The Batsford Companion to Medieval England
by Nigel Saul
Batsford Academic & Educational Ltd.
London, 1983
The English Abbey
It's Life and Work in the Middle Ages
by Fred H. Crossley, FSA
Charles Scribner's Sons
London, 1939, 2nd Edition
The English Medieval Town
by Colin Platt
Secker & Warburg
London, 1976
The Life And Times Of Richard I
by John Gillingham
General Editor: Antonia Fraser
Book Club Associates
London, 1973
The Story of England
Makers of the Realm

by Arthur Bryant
London, 1961
The Time-traveller's Guide to Medieval England
A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century

by Ian Mortimer
The Bodley Head Ltd.
Treasures of Britain And Ireland
Drive Publications for the AA
Drive Publications
The Wars of the Roses
Lancaster and York

by Alison Weir. Jonathan Cape
Random House
UK, 1995


History & Society: Europe

Crispin's Day
The Glory of Agincourt

by Rosemary Hawley Jarman
London, 1979
Eastern and Western Europe in the Middle Ages
by K. Bosl, A. Guiysztor, F. Graus, M.M. Postan, F. Seibt
Library of European Civilization
Thames & Hudson
London, 1970
Europe: Hierarchy and Revolt
1320 - 1450

by George Holmes
Fontana History of Europe
Later Medieval Europe
from St Louis to Luther

by Daniel Waley
A Longman Paperback
London, 1975
Life in a Medieval Village
by Francis and Joseph Gies
HarperCollins, 1991

Life In Medieval France
by Joan Evans
First published 1929

Medieval Europe
A Short History

by Judith M. Bennet & C. Warren Hollister
McGraw-Hill; 10th edition
March 2, 2005
Medieval European Society
1000 - 1450

by Margaret Hastings
Douglass College
Random House
New York, 1971
Medieval Towns
The Archaeology of British Towns in Their European Setting

Studies in the Archaeology of Medieval Europe
by John Schofield, Alan Vince
Equinox Publishing Ltd
GB, March 1, 2005
Cathars and Catholics In A French Village. 1294-1324

by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
Translated by Barbara Bray
Scholar Press
Penguin Books
England, 1978
Spain In The Middle Ages
from Frontier to Empire, 1000 - 1500

by Angus McKay
New Studies In Medieval History
Macmillian Press, 1977
Foundations of Early Modern Europe
1460 - 1559

History of Modern Europe S.
by Eugene F. Rice
Littlehampton Book Services Ltd
The Imperial Age of Venice 1380 - 1580
Library of European Civilization
by D S Chambers
Thames and Hudson
London, 1970
The Northern Renaissance
by Jeffrey Chipps Smith
London, 2004
The Waning of the Middle Ages.
A Study in the Forms of Life, Thought & Art
in France and the Netherlands in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries

by J Huizinga
Translated by F. Hopman
Penguin books, 1965
Western Europe In The Middle Ages
by Joesph R Strayer
Prentice Hall Inc.
New Jersey, 1974
What Life Was Like in the Age Of Chivalry
Medieval Europe AD 800 - 1500

by the Editors of Time Life Books,
Alexandria, Virginia


History & Society: General

A Dictionary of Chivalry
by Grant Uden
Kestrel Books
Harmondsworth, Middlesex
UK, 1977

A Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
by Christopher Coredon with Ann Williams
DS Brewer
Cambridge, 2004

A History of Private Life
Revelations of the Medieval World

by Phillipe Aries and Georges Duby General Editors
General editors Phillipe Aries and Georges Duby
translated by Arthur Goldhammer
Belknap Press
Harvard University, 1988

Black's History Pictures
The Middle Ages. 1066 - 1485

by GH Reed, MA.
A&C Black Ltd.
The Path of Love

by C. J. McKnight
Medieval Wisdom
Chronicle Books
Chronicles of the Age of Chilvalry
by Elizabeth Hallam (The House of Lords)
Welcome Rain Publishers
October 1, 2000
Everyday life in Roman and Anglo-Saxon times:
Including Viking and Norman times

by Marjorie and C.H.B. Quennell
BT Batsford Limited
January 1, 1968
Everyday Life Throught The Ages
A journey of discovery through over 15 000 years of world history

Reader's Digest Association Limited
London, 1992

Inside the Medieval World
A Panorama of Life in the Middle Ages

by James Harpur
Elizabeth Hallam, Consultant
Cardigan Street Publishers
Melbourne. 1995.

Man and Society
The Middle Ages

by David Mahoney
Methuen of Australia
Brisbane, 1976

Medieval People
by Sarah Howarth
The Millbrook Press
Connecticut, 1992
Medieval Places
by Sarah Howarth
The Millbrook Press
Connecticut, 1992
Medieval Worlds
A Sourcebook

Edited by Roberta Anderson and Dominic Aidan Bellenger
June 19, 2003
The Age of Adversity
The Fourteenth Century

by Robert E. Lerner
Cornell University Press
NY. 1968
The Close of the Middle Ages, 1273-1494
by R. Lodge, MA, LLD. Prof History at Edinborough University
London, 1915
The Flowering of the Middle Ages
edited by Joan Evans
Thames & Hudson Ltd
March 25, 1985
The Horizon Book of the Middle Ages
Authored by Morris Bishop
Horizon Magazine
Cassell & Company Ltd.
London, WC1 1968
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Medieval Civilization
by Aryeh Grabois
Octopus Books Limited
The Illustrated Reference Book of The Ages of Discovery
Joy of Knowledge
Edited by James Mitchell
Colporteur Press,
Sydney Australia, 1982
The Medieval Castle
Life In A Fortress In Peace and War

by Phillip Warner
Arthur Barker Ltd.
London, 1971


Economics, Commerce & Trade

A Social and Economic History of Medieval Europe
by Gerald A J Hodgett
Methuen & Co Ltd.
London, 1972
Archery In The Middle Ages
Sources of History

by E. K. Milliken, MA
Macmillan, 1967
Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel
Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages

by Frances and Joseph Gies
Harper Perennial
History of Money
Discovery of Sciences Series
by Antoine Ascain & Jean-Marie Arnaud
translated by Joan White
Making A Living in the Middle Ages
The People of Britain, 850 – 1520

by Christopher Dyer
Yale University Press
Medieval Cities
Their Origins and the Revival of Trade

by Henri Pirenne
A Doubleday Anchor Book
Princeton University Press
Medieval Commerce
by Howard L Adelson
An Anvil Original
Van Nostrand
City University of New York, 1962
Science and Technology in Medieval Society
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol 441
Editor Pamela O. Long
New York Academy of Science
January 1, 1985
Shopping In History
by Sheila Robertson
Wayland Ltd.
East Sussex
London, 1984
Social and Economic Foundations of the Italian Renaissance
Major Issues in History

edited by Anthony Molholo
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
USA, 1969
The Arts in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
by Paul Lacroix
Bracken Books
London, 1996
The Clock and The Camshaft
And Other Medieval Inventions We Still Can't Live Without

by John W Farrell
Rowman & Littlefield
14th October, 2020
The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages
1100 - 1600

by Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui
The Making of the Middle Ages
by R W Southern
Hutchinson Univarsity Library
Oxford, London
1967 edition
The Medieval Clothier
by John S Lee.
Boydell & Brewer
The Boydell Press
Woodbridge, 2018
The Medieval Economy & Society
An Economic History of Britain in the Middle Ages

by MM Postan
Pelican Books, 1972
Traditional Crafts and Skills
Life and Work in Medieval and Renaissance Times

by Vaclav Husa
Translated by Iris Irwin
Paul Hamlyn
printed in Czechoslovakia, 1967

Travel & Pilgrimage

Everyday Life of Medieval Travellers
by Marjorie Rowling
BT Batsford ltd.
Dorset Press,
New York. 1989
Medieval World
The TIMES - Mapping History

by Rosamund McKitterick
Times Books
HarperCollins, 2003

An Image of Medieval Religion

by Jonathan Sumption
Faber & Faber
London, 1975

Pilgrimage To Canterbury
by Howard Loxton
Douglas David & Charles Ltd.
Vancouver, Canada

Pilgrim Souveniers and Secular Badges
Brian Spencer
Museum of London
The Boydell Press

The Atlas of Medieval Man
by Colin Platt
Peerage Books
London, 1985



After the Black Death
A Social History of Early Modern Europe

by George Huppert
Indiana University Press
USA, 2008
Death and Art
Europe 1200-1530

by Eleanor Townsend
V&A Museum
V&A Publishing
London, 2009
Death In The Middle Ages
Mortality, Judgment and Remembrance

by T. S. R. Boase
Thames & Hudson
London, 1972
The Black Death
by Phillip Ziegler
Readers Union
London, 1969
The Black Death
A Personal History

by John Hatcher
Da Capo Press
England, 2008



A Little Book of Angels
by Mike Harding
Aurum Press Limited
London, 2008

A Little Book of Devils & Demons
by Mike Harding
Aurum Press Limited
London, 2008
A Little Book of Miracles & Marvels
by Mike Harding
Aurum Press Limited
London, 2008
A Little Book of Saints
Inspirations from Holy Lives

Compiled by Steve Dobell
Annes Publishing Ltd.
Southwater, 1996
A Little Book of Tombs & Monuments
by Mike Harding
Aurum Press Limited
London, 2008

Archbishop Thomas and Henry II
by Tom Corfe Cambridge
Introduction to the History of Mankind
Cambridge University Press
UK, July 10, 1975

Christian Mysteries
Sacred Symbols

by Robert Thames, Hudson, Adkinson
Thames & Hudson,
May 1, 1997
Little Sermons on Sin:
The Archpriest of Talavera

by Alfonso Martínez de Toledo
translated by Lesley Byrd Simpson
University of California Press
February 1, 1959
Medieval Handbooks of Penance
A Translation of the Principal Libri Poenitentiales

Translated by John Thomas McNeill & Helena M. Gamer
Records of Western Civilization Series
University Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton
United States, 1 November, 1990
Cathars and Catholics In A French Village. 1294-1324

by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
Translated by Barbara Bray
Scholar Press.
Penguin Books.
England, 1978
The Experience of the Divine

Medieval Wisdom
Aquarian Press
United Kingdom
13 June, 1994
On Union With God
by Albert the Great
Ways of Mysticism
Continuum Publishing Inc.
London, 2000

An Image of Medieval Religion

by Jonathan Sumption
Faber & Faber
London, 1975

Pilgrimage To Canterbury
by Howard Loxton
Douglas David & Charles Ltd.
Vancouver, Canada
The Christian World of the Middle Ages
by Bernard Hamilton
The History Press
May 25, 2003
The Medieval Papacy
by Geoffrey Barraclough
History of European Civilization Library
Harcourt, Brace & World
Thames & Hudson

A History of English Literature
The Middle Ages and the Renaissance
650 - 1947

by Emile Legouis and Louis Cazamian
Translated from the French by Helen Douglas Irvine
JM Dent & Sons, Ltd
London, 1948
A Pocket Guide to Superstitions of the British Isles
by Steve Roud
The Pocket Guide
Index Press
November 4, 2004.
Ettiquette For Renaissance Gentlemen
by Baldesar Castiglione

Translated by George Bull
Penguin 60's Classic
Guide to English Literature
From Beowulf through Chaucer and medieval Drama

by David M Zesmer
Long Island University
Barnes & Noble
Medieval Gardens
A Book Of Days

Past Times
CLB Publishing Ltd.

Medieval Pets
Kathleen Walker-Meikle
Boydell & Brewster Ltd.
The Boydell Press
Woodbridge, 2014

Renaissance Secrets
Recipes & Formvlas

by Jo Wheeler
Victoria & Albert Museum
V&A Publishing, Kensington
London, 2009
The Norton Anthology of English Literature
The Middle Ages. Volume A

by Stephen Greenblatt
WW Norton & Co.
March 3, 2012
The Story of English Literature
by Anna Buckland

Cassels Modern School Series
Second edition
Cassell & Company, Limited
Through The Glass Window Shines The Sun
An Anthology of Medieval Poetry and Prose

Edited by Pamela Norris
Tiger Books International
Twickenham, UK, 1998


Heraldry & Armorials

A Grammar of English Heraldry
by WH St John Hope, Litt D., Hon DCL (Durham)
The Cambridge Manuals of Science & Literature
Cambridge at the University Press
Arms and Armour
by Vesey Norman
Second Impression
Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Arms and Armour in Britain
by Alan Borg
June 30, 1979
Crusaders and Medieval Knights of Britain
Handbook of Herandry
With Instructions for Tracing Pedigrees & Deciphering Ancient Mss. Rules for the Appointment of Liveries &c

by John E Cussans
Fourth edition with upwards of 400 illustrations
Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly
London, 1893

by Henry Bedingfeld, Rouge Croix Pursuivant,
Peter Gwynn-Jones, Lancaster Herald
Bison Books
London, 1993

Decoration and Floral Forms

by Herbert Cole
Crescent Books

For The Local Historian and Genealogist

by Stephen Friar
The History Press Ltd
April 30, 1992
The Poolbeg Book of Irish Heraldry
by Michael O'Comain
Dufour Editions
March 1, 1992
The Art of Heraldry
by Carl-Alexander von Volborth
Tiger Books International
London, 1987
The British Herald V2:
Or Cabinet of Armorial Bearings of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland: From the Earliest to the Present

by Thomas Robson (Editor)


Copyright © Rosalie Gilbert
All text & photographs within this site are the property of Rosalie Gilbert unless stated.
Art & artifact images remain the property of the owner.
Images and text may not be copied and used without permission.