Other shaped brooches without stones


Sexfoil shaped brooches

Sexfoil Brooch
with fleur-de-lis


: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 1250-1350
Area of Origin: Normandy, France
Material: Silver, gold gilding
Size: 39.2mm x 2.4mm
Weight: 6.5 grams

Notes: This example is bold, large and silver-gilt. The terminals are fleur shaped having significance with the emblem of the Virgin Mary. A singular row of raised circles is set in between the raised borders around the brooch which is sexfoil shaped. The brooch is intact and in excellent condition. The pin is complete and moves freely.

The brooch was found in France by a metal detector user who lives in Saint-Lo in Normandy, Northern France. It is dated at the same time of Edward the Black Prince and Richard II.

Similar to: As seen on the sculpture representing the Synagogue, Bamburg Cathedral, Germany.


Octofoil shaped brooches

Octofoil brooch
with arches

Object: Annular Brooch
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Canterbury, Kent. England
Size: 40mm diameter
Weight: 10.18 grams

: 8 arched segments with small points. Pin is complete and moves freely.

ex-Winters Collection. Found near Canterbury, Kent, UK in 1976.



Quatrefoil shaped brooches

Quatrefoil Brooch
with four leaves

: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 14th century
Area of Origin: poss Yorkshire, England
Material: Bronze
Size: 25mm x 26mm
Weight: 4.58 grams

Notes: Brooch is quatrefoil shaped with four leaves radiating. Original pin is present and moves freely. Seller bought this brooch in a group with other items from Yorkshire, but is uncertain if this item is also from Yorkshire.
Quatrefoil Brooch
with flowers

: Quatrefoil brooch
Culture: Medieval. 14th-15th century
Area of Origin: Kent, England
Material: Bronze
Size: 28mm x 28mm
Weight: 4.18 grams

Notes: Brooch is quatrefoil shaped with four four-petalled flowers on each lobe. A singular row of raised circles joins the flowers. The original pin is present and moves freely. Cast construction. The brooch is in tact and in good condition.

Quatrefoil brooch
with punched decoration

Object: Quatrefoil brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Area of Origin: Thretford, Norfolk, UK
Material: Bronze
Size: 30mm diameter
Weight: 2.84 grams

Notes: Brooch has a raised face with punched circular decoration. Pin is absent.

Ex-Winters Collection.Found near Thretford, Norfolk, UK in 1988.

Similar to: Similar frame and composition to MoL Egan & Pritchard, Dress Accessories, Item No 1342, found Billingsgate Lorry Park, London, with the exception of citcular decoration where bands are noted on Item 1342.



Lozenge shaped brooches

Lozenge brooch
with knops

Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Area of Origin: UK.
Material: Bronze
Size: 37mm diameter
Weight: 2.47 grams
Notes: Lozenge-shaped ring brooch with single row of circular punched decoration. Each point of the lozenge terminates in a knop and three etched lines. Pin is complete and working.

Ex-Winters Collection.

Similar to: Sawicki, Medieval Dress Accessories From Nowy Targ Square in Wroclaw Catalogue of finds, Image 448.

Lozenge brooch
with trefoil knops

: Brooch
Culture: Medieval
Country of Origin: France
Material: Copper alloy
Size: 33mm x 36mm
Weight: 4.16 grams

: Lozenge shaped brooch frame with trefoil knobs on each corner. A vertical bar is present which houses the pin, which is also present and moves freely. The frame has two rows of raised circles on each of the four sides.

Similar to: Similar frame style to Sawicki, Medieval Dress Accessories From Nowy Targ Square in Wroclaw Catalogue of finds, Image 448.

Lozenge brooch
with wire pin

: Lozenge brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Country of Origin: England
Material: Bronze
Size: 30mm diameter
Weight: 3.64 grams

Notes: Circular punched decoration. Wire pin is complete and moves freely although due to nature of not matching the brooch, may be a replacement pin.

ex-Winters Collection.

Similar to: Sawicki, Medieval Dress Accessories From Nowy Targ Square in Wroclaw Catalogue of finds, Image 453..

Lozenge brooch
with etchings

Object: Lozenge brooch
Culture: Medieval, 14th century
Country of Origin: England
Material: Bronze
Size: 27mm diameter
Weight: 2.45 grams

Notes: Etched decoration of no specific design. Pin is complete and moves freely. The structure of the pin indicated that these etchings may be the back of the brooch and therefore may be not deliberate markings but those caused when in situ or on collection.

ex-Winters Collection.

Lozenge brooch
with 12 dimples

Object: Lozenge brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Country of Origin: England
Material: Bronze
Size: 22mm diameter
Weight: 2.91 grams

Notes: ex-Winters Collection. 12 dimples, one of which houses the piercing for the pin. Pin is bent but complete and moves freely. The dimples show no trace of any adhesive residue, but may have had glass stones set into them, although the angle of them suggests that they may be purely decorative.

Lozenge brooch
with wrigglework

: Brooch
Culture: Medieval
Country of Origin: England
Material: Copper alloy
Size: 22mm x 21mm
Weight: 0.58 grams

: Extremely light-weight trapezoid brooch frame. There is a singular piercing for a pin, which is absent. The sides are angled downwards and have a singular groove running around the circumference and a corresponding line of wrigglework.

Sold as bronze, but copper alloy is suspected.

Similar to:



Square shaped brooches


Square Brooch
with circles

Object: Square brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Country of Origin: England. UK.
Material: Bronze
Size: 15mm diameter
Weight: 1.88 grams

Notes: Brooch is complete and intact. Square shaped frame with bevelled edges. One row of circular punched decoration. Pin is complete and moves freely.

ex-Winters Collection.

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