and Needles
needles - coiled headed pins - flat headed pins - ball headed
with tapered end
Object: Needle
Culture: Early Medieval
Area of Origin: Suffolk, England
Material: Copper alloy
Size: 60mm x 27mm
Weight: 1.79 grams
Notes: PAS SF-2CC700.
This needle has a tapering shaft with a pointed terminal and an
oval cross-section, measuring 2.7mm in width, at its widest point
and 2mm in thickness. The head is a pointed lozenge shape (5mm
in width at its central point) with a long oval perforation through
it, measuring 6.8mm in length and 2.5mm in width internally. There
are traces of a possible circumference groove below the head,
although it is unclear if this is intentional or due to later
damage. No other exact parallel could be found, however, this
needle is probably most likely to be early-medieval or medieval
in date.
Similar to: A very
similar needle has been found at Threave Castle, Galloway, although
this example was slightly shorter, however this find was unfortunately
unstratified (Good and Tabraham 'Medieval Archaeology' 1981, 108,
fig 10, no 49). Findspot: 'Freckenham', parish protected.
Similar to: A slightly longer needle with the same eye
and construction is recorded with the Museum of London, Acc No
1244 from Swan Lane, Upper Thames Street, London, The Medieval
Household, Geoff Egan.
Similar to: PAS. NMS-0169A5, Dated 1200-1500. Barton Bendish,
Norfolk. PAS Finds Identified, Leahy & Lewis.
with flat head
Object: Needle
Culture: Late Medieval - ?16th century
Area of Origin: Kiev, Ukraine
Material: Bronze
Size: 75mm
Weight: 0.85 grams
Notes: Metal detector find, Kiev, Ukraine. Excavations of
antiquities with the help of a metal detector. Item found during
excavations on the site of an ancient settlement in the Kiev region.
This subject probably belongs to the period of the 16th century.
or bodkin
with flat body
Object: Needle or bodkin
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Katwijk, Netherlands
Size: 62mm length
Weight: 1.27 grams
Notes: Flat construction from eye to tip. The tip comes
to a point with 2 angles. The shaft does not taper. It is likely
this needle was used for lacing clothing and not domestic sewing.
Object: Needle
Culture: Roman. 2nd- 4th century
Area of Origin: North-West part of Bulgaria. Balkans
Material: Iron
Size: 66 mm
Weight: 1.74 grams
Notes: This needle has a tapering shaft with a pointed
terminal and an oval cross-section. The head is a pointed lozenge
shape with a long oval perforation through it.
Similar to: A very
similar needle has been found at Threave Castle, Galloway, although
this example was slightly shorter, however this find was unfortunately
unstratified (Good and Tabraham 'Medieval Archaeology' 1981, 108,
fig 10, no 49). Findspot: 'Freckenham', parish protected.
Similar to: A slightly longer needle with the same eye
and construction is recorded with the Museum of London, Acc No
1244 from Swan Lane, Upper Thames Street, London, "The Medieval
Household", Geoff Egan.
Similar to: PAS. NMS-0169A5, Dated 1200-1500. Barton Bendish,
Norfolk. PAS Finds Identified, Leahy & Lewis.
Object: Needle
Culture: Celtic 200-100 BC
Area of Origin: North-West part of Bulgaria. Balkans
Material: bronze
Size: 91mm
Weight: 2.51 grams
Notes: This needle has a tapering shaft with a pointed
terminal and an oval cross-section. The head is a pointed lozenge
shape with a long oval perforation through it.
Metal detector find. Described
as: Needle A 036 - Celtic Bronze Needle. As found in the soil
and still with some earth deposits remaining on the surface. Circa
200-100 B.C.
Similar to: A very
similar needle has been found at Threave Castle, Galloway, although
this example was slightly shorter, however this find was unfortunately
unstratified (Good and Tabraham 'Medieval Archaeology' 1981, 108,
fig 10, no 49). Findspot: 'Freckenham', parish protected.
Similar to: A slightly longer needle with the same eye
and construction is recorded with the Museum of London, Acc No
1244 from Swan Lane, Upper Thames Street, London, The Medieval
Household, Geoff Egan.
Similar to: PAS. NMS-0169A5, Dated 1200-1500. Barton Bendish,
Norfolk. PAS Finds Identified, Leahy & Lewis.
Large Celtic
Object: Needle
Culture: Celtic. 200-100BC
Area of Origin: North-west Bulgaria, Balkans
Material: Bronze
Size: 119mm
Weight: 4.33 grams
Notes: This needle has a tapering shaft with a pointed
terminal and a round head with a singular oval opening. Extremely
large Celtic needle. Use of needle is uncertain.
Described as: Needle A 038
- Celtic Bronze Needle. Circa 200-100 B.C. Balkans
Medieval Ukraine
Object: Needle
Culture: Medieval. 12th-14th century
Area of Origin: Ternopil, Ukraine
Material: bronze
Size: 70mm
Weight: 1.22 grams
Notes: This needle has a tapering shaft with a pointed
terminal and a round head with a singular oval opening.
Seller comment: I think this
is a 12th-14th century needle. Found carrying out excavations
on the territory of the Ternopil region of Ukraine. There were
2 needles. Condition described as "fine."
Medieval Ukraine
Object: Needle
Culture: Medieval. 12th-14th century
Area of Origin: Ternopil, Ukraine
Material: bronze
Size: 65mm
Weight: 1.36 grams
Notes: This needle has a tapering shaft with a pointed
terminal and a round head with a singular oval opening.
Metal detecting find, probably
a 12-14 century needle. Found carrying out excavations on the
territory of the Ternopil region of Ukraine. There were 2 needles.
Condition described as "fine."
undrilled No.1
Object: Needle
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: UK.
Size: 33mm
Weight: 0.16 grams
Notes: Uncertain whether these were pins with the heads
broken off or unfinished needles.
undrilled No.2
Object: Needle
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: UK.
Size: 34mm
Weight: 1.17 grams
Notes: Uncertain whether these were pins with the heads
broken off or unfinished needles.
Flat headed pins
with flat head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 45mm length
Weight: 0.13 grams
Notes:Constructed by drawing out the wire and hammering
the end flat. Length and weight of the pin suggest use as a veil
pin for silk or very fine linen.
Foreshore find in front of
one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich.
with flat head
Object: Pin
Culture: 14th-15th century
Area of Origin: Thames, London, England
Size: 26mm - 28mm
Weight: 0.06 grams
Notes: Pin complete and undamaged, although bent. Pis flat
headed and fine suggesting use as a veil pin.
Coiled headed pins
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 40mm length
Weight: 0.49 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible. Sturdiness suggests use for clothing, eg sleeves,
rather than veils.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Medieval. 14th-15th century
Area of Origin: Thames, London
Size: 26mm - 28mm
Weight: 0.08 grams
Notes: One pin is flat headed and fine suggesting use as
a veil pin, the other constructed with the coil head method and
is of a sturdier nature suggetsing general use. |
with coil head
Object: Pin
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Thames, UK
Material: Brass
Size: 30mm
Weight: 0.07 grams
Notes: Wire drawn pin with coiled head. Group of pins likely
from Thames, London.
with coil head
Object: Pin
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Thames, UK.
Material: Brass
Size: 24mm
Weight: 0.06 grams
Notes: Wire drawn pin with coiled head.
Group of pins likely from
Thames, London.
with coil head
Object: Pins
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass, gilding
Size: 25mm length
Weight: 0.11 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible. Slight traces of gilding visible.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century.
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 33mm length
Weight: 0.33 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible. Sturdy construction for possible use with clothing.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 35mm length
Weight: 0.27 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible. Sturdy construction for possible use with clothing.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 30mm length.
Weight: 0.22 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible. Sturdy construction makes it suitable for use
with clothing, eg, pinned sleeves.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 32mm length
Weight: 0.25 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 37mm length
Weight: 0.22 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with coiled head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 38mm length
Weight: 0.21 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and coiling
it into a ball and then hammering. Traces of the coil marks are
clearly visible.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
Ball headed pins
with ball head
Object: Pin
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Thames, UK.
Material: Brass
Size: 25mm
Weight: 0.06 grams
Notes: Group of pins likely from Thames, London.
with ball head
Object: Pin
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century.
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England.
Material: Brass
Size: 30mm length
Weight: 0.13 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and then
hammering. No traces of the coil marks are clearly visible. Slight
traces of gilding visible on one pin. The smallest seems consistant
with a sewing pin.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.
with ball head
Object: Pins
Culture: Tudor. 15th-16th century
Area of Origin: Greenwich, England
Material: Brass
Size: 20mm length
Weight: 0.05 grams
Notes: Pins constructed by drawing out the wire and then
hammering. No traces of the coil marks are clearly visible.
Thames foreshore find in front
of one of Henry VIII's palaces, Greenwich, England.