Brooches without stones
with cirles and squares
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval, 12th-13th century
Area of Origin: Swaffham, Norfolk. England
Material: Silver, gold gilding
Size: 19.62mm diameter x 0.61mm width
Weight: 1.16 grams
Notes: The brooch is a round, almost flat ring with a
recess for the pin. The pin is undecorated, intact and moves freely.
The brooch is decoreated with two raised rows of circles flanking
a central row of squares. Large traces of gold gilding survives.
Excellent condition.
Ex S. Saunders Collection.
Described as "a wonderful
medieval silver-gilt 'betrothal' ring-brooch."
with 8 globules
Object: Ring Brooch
Culture: Medieval. 1250-1350
Area of Origin: England
Material: Silver, gold gilding
Size: 15.9mm diameter x 1.95mm width
Weight: 1.4 grams
Notes: Octofoil ring brooch with 8 decorated globules which
are evenly spaced around th ering. Each globule is decorated with
tiny raised nubs. Original pin intact and works freely, traces
of gold gilding remain.
Originally found in England.
Described as "a wonderful medieval silver-gilt 'betrothal'
ring-brooch, dating to the 13th-14th century."
Ex Tom Cederlind Collection
Item #AR629.
with lozenge panels
Object: Ring Brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-14th century
Country of Origin: France
Material: Silver, gold gilding
Size: 22.18mm diameter x 2.63mm width
Weight: 1.7 grams
Notes: The ring is made from a solid silver rod, decorated
with applied lozenge panels and beads. Each quarter has alternating
rosette bezels and punch decorated knops. The original silver
pin is contained within a constriction, and has a decorated collar
and sword shaped point. The brooch still retains partial mercurial
gold gilding.
Described as a wonderful medieval
silver-gilt 'betrothal' ring-brooch, dating to the 13th-14th century.
It is a fine piece, intact with the original pin.
Ex Private collection of brooches
from Essex Item #600
with decoration
Object: Ring Brooch
Culture: Medieval. c1250-1350
Area of Origin: Yonne, France
Material: alloy of tin and lead
Size: 27mm diameter
Weight: 3.22 grams
Notes: The ring is made from a solid rod, decorated with
four applied lozenge panels and four decorated knops. The pin
is contained within a constriction, has a decorated collar and
sword shaped point and is in working condition. The brooch in
complete and intact.
French artifact from an old
with clasped hands
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Europe?
Material: Bronze, gilded
Size: 46mm x 46mm
Weight: 8.11 grams
Notes: Fede style brooch with two sets of clasped hands opposite
each other. 8 sets of grooves run vertically across the brooch.
A recess indicates where the pin sits. the pin is absent. Cast construction.
Described at point of sale as: Antique wedding brooch, Rare variant,
Bronze fibula, Medieval brooch |
ring brooch
with two pins
Object: Double ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th century
Area of Origin: Netherlands
Material: Silver
Size: 19.86mm x 10.02mm x 1.19mm (open 37.72mm)
Weight: 0.9 grams
Notes: Extremely unusual
double ring brooch with pins in situ. One ring is plain and undecorated
and is extremely worn where the pin has been heavily utilised.
The other ring is decorated with a series or lines. The attached
pin has a collar towards the pin base and shows little signs of
wear. Both rings are joined by a central lozenge-shaped plate
which is decorated with an unidentified pattern in the centre
which is flanked by a single line. Both pins appear to face frontwards
and rest on the decorated plate.
Use for this item is unknown. It is extremely small but made of
silver and partially decorated. It is not sturdy enough to use
as a clothing fastened and the pins are too thick for use on a
silk veil without tearing holes in it. The unusualy tiny size
of this item makes it particularly interesting.
Ex R Davies Collection from
Northhamptonshire, UK, It is of an unusual shape, formed from
two brooches joined as one. Described as: Brooches of this size
were mainly worn by ladies to secure a veil or wimple. The size
would be suited for silks or very fine linen except the pin suggest
a light wool. Generally silver annular brooches are rare. We find
around 1 for every 100 in bronze which seem to make up the majority
of recorded specimens. This is the only brooch I have seen of
this type. Possibly as a special commission or gift.
Any suggestions about possible use, please
Fede with decoration
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval 13th-14th century
Area of Origin: England, UK
Material: Silver, gold gilding
Size: 22mm
Weight: 0.77 grams
Notes: Clasped hands
brooch with engraved decoration. Pin is absent. Brooch frame is
complete and raises to a central apex. There is an apeture for
the pin. Large traces of gold gilding remain.
Similar to: PAS, Finds
Identified, Leahy & Lewis. Item LIN-9A4B26, Kirton-in-Holland,
Lincolnshire, dated between 1200-1400.
Similar to: British Museum annular brooch. Museum number
AF.2693. Description- Annular brooch; gold; triangular section
with pair of hands in prayer projecting on one side; pearled band
in alternate half of each quadrant; inscribed. Cultures/periods.
Late Medieval. Production date- 14th century.
with clasped hands
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval 13th-14th century
Area of Origin: Thames River, Oxford. England
Size: height 31mm, width 30mm.
Weight: 3.92 grams
Notes: The brooch is
circular with a narrowed recess for the pin which no longer remains.
Two opposing apexes of the frame are moulded into three-dimensional
clasped hands. The thumbs and fingers of each hand are clearly
defined and grooves above each suggest knuckles. Where the frame
narrows to each hand, a cuff decoration with transverse grooves
is present.Pattern or letters between the sections is unclear.
Very fine condition.
Similar to: brooch
NM148, Medieval Artifacts, Nigel Rees.
Similar to: Item 107 Medieval Jewellery, Marian Campbell,
Silver fede brooch 1300-1350 Germany, Westfallisches Landesmuseum.
Similar to: British Museum Object Type: annular brooch.
Museum number AF.2716. Description: Annular brooch; silver; flat
band bent up and engraved and gilt on two opposite sides to represent
two pairs of clasped hands. Period/Culture: Late Medieval. Materials:

with half twist
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 14th century
Area of Origin: UK
Material: Silver, gold gilding
Size: 15mm diameter
Weight: 0.84 grams
Notes: Silver-gilt ring brooch with half twist. Large amount
of gilding remains. The twisted half of the brooch is circular
while the plain half of the brooch rises to a triangular point
centrally. There is a recessed apeture for a pin. The pin is absent.
Similar to: MoL. Egan
& Pritchard, Dress Accessories. Item 1312, Swan Lane, London.
with etched lines
Object: Annular ring
Culture: Medieval. 13th-14th century
Area of Origin: Thames River, London
Material: Pewter, gold gilding
Size: 20mm diameter
Weight: 2.38 grams
Notes: Annular ring brooch. Pin is original, complete and
moves freely. The frame is complete and has etched lines on each
side of pin. Almost the entire of the gilding is intact.
Ex Thames River find, London.
From a small collection originally formed in the 1980's.

Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-14th century
Area of Origin: Norfolk
Material: Bronze, gold gilding
Size: 16.5mm diameter. 3mm thick
Weight: 2.25 grams
Notes: Traces of gold gilding remain. Pin has a collar
at the base where it meets the brooch body. Pin is complete and
moves freely.
with lettering
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval
Country/Area of Origin: UK
Size: 15mm x 15mm
Weight: 2.0 grams
Notes: Small medieval annular brooch. Possible lettering or
decorative design on both front and back. Pin is complete in an
tact and moves freely.
Similar to:
MoL Egan & Pritchard, Dress Accessories, Item No ...... found
BWB Billingsgate Lorry Park, London.
with pin
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-14th century
Area of Origin: Yorkshire, England
Material: Bronze
Size: 38mm
Weight: 5.03 grams
Notes: Pin is undecorated, complete and moves freely. The
frame of the brooch is undecorated and does not have a recess
for the pin. Directly opposite to the brooch pin is a small tongue
similar to the fede style brooch. Brooch frame is considerable
worn where the pin is.
From a small collection formed
in the 1980's.
Similar to other brooches described as "stirrup brooch"
but with the tongue in a different position.

Fede style
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 14th-15th century
Country of Origin: England
Size: 40mm x 36mm
Weight: 8.26 grams
Notes: Pin is undecorated, complete and moves freely. The
frame of the brooch is undecorated and does not have a recess
for the pin. Directly opposite to the brooch pin is a small tongue
similar to the fede style brooch. Brooch frame is considerable
worn where the pin is.
Similar to other brooches
described as "stirrup brooch" but with the tongue in
a different position.

with etched lines
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Area of Origin: England. UK.
Material: Bronze.
Size: 17mm diameter
Weight: 1.41 grams
Notes: Annular ring brooch frame with a recess for a pin
which is broken. Pin broken but also included. Etched lines or
letters in 2 triangles on each side of pin.
Ex-Winters Collection.

with 5 globules
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 1230-1350
Area of Origin: Canterbury, Kent
Material: Bronze
Size: 20mm diameter
Weight: 1.84 grams
Notes: Sexfoil ring brooch with five globule knobs set
at equal intervals around the frame. Recess for a pin, which is
complete and moves freely. Brooch is quite thin. There are tiny
traces of reddish brown which may be enamel.
Found near Canterbury in 1986.
Ex-Winters Collection.
with dimples
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval. 13th-15th century
Country of Origin: England
Material: Bronze
Size: 20mm diameter
Weight: 2.69 grams
Notes: Brooch frame is complete and undamaged. The face
of the brooch has punched markings and seven dimples. The pin
is complete and moves freely. The dimples show no trace of any
adhesive residue, but may have had glass stones set into them,
although the angle of them suggests that they may be purely decorative.
Ex-Winters Collection.
with circular decoration
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval
Area of Origin: Barnard Castle, England
Size: 34mm diameter
Weight: 4.75 grams
Notes: Medieval copper alloy cloak brooch in as found uncleaned
condition in England. L147f
Similar to:
with no decoration
Object: Annular ring
Culture: Medieval. 14th-15th century
Country of Origin: England
Size: 40mm diameter
Weight: 10.96 grams
Notes: Brooch and pin are undecorated and unbroken and
in working order. The annular frame has a recess for the pin and
is of sturdy construction. The pin has a small collar at the base.
Similar to: MoL, Dress
Accessories, Egan & Pritchard. Item 1307. Copper alloy, BWB83
Billingsgate Lorry Park, Watching Brief. Gunmetal.
Object: Ring brooch
Culture: Medieval.
Country of Origin: England
Size: 18mm diameter
Weight: 0.98 grams
Notes: Brooch and pin are undecorated and unbroken and
in working order. The annular frame has a recess for the pin and
is of sturdy construction.
Similar to: MoL, Dress
Accessories, Egan & Pritchard. Item 1307. Copper alloy, BWB83
Billingsgate Lorry Park, Watching Brief. Gunmetal.