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Rosalie's Medieval Woman presents...
Talks, Presentations & Workshops

I present a number of exciting lectures, talks and workshops at events throughout the year suited to different demographics and ages. Please CONTACT ME if you'd like to know more.

14th Century Artifact Study
The talk includes a "White Glove" hands on opportunity with replicated and original pieces from my personal collection of predominantly 14th century English pieces. It looks at the sizes, weights and styles of dress accessories and sewing tools with modern day comparisons as well as areas of wear and tear on these domestic items.
Between Linen Sheets:
The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women

To whom could the medieval woman turn for reliable, up-to-date advice on matters of sexual health, producing heirs, contraception and her issues in the martial bed? What kind of advice was it? This is a candid look at this very private subject and explores what we know about sex from court documents and other private historical sources! 45 minute duration.
Please note: Adult themes. Trigger warning.
Medieval Sewing Samples Interactive Display
An exciting opportunity for members of the public to see up close original sewing items from the 14th century and compare them to todays items and reproductions, including needles, pins and a selection of thimbles. In addition to this, there are samples of sewing tools, wools, woolen cloth and finished items of clothing which all may be handled and examined! A fun Wool Guessing Game is included for those who think they can tell what's modern and what's not!
  Medieval Women and Literacy
Books. We know medieval women owned them and read them, but who was reading what and why? Who taught women to read and is this where the romance novel really started? What about writing. Were medieval women as illiterate as we are told they are and how do we know?
  The Medieval Bedroom Trial
A look at what a medieval bedroom trial was and a look at how it worked. Includes witness statements from women participating from actual 15th century court records preserved for posterity.
Put Yourself In The Picture!
A fantastic chance for members of the public to photograph themselves for free in a medieval dinner setting on their own device- phone, tablet or camera! The upper class setting is Hands-On (except for the knives) allowing the pewterware to be tested for weight and gives the opportunity for questions about food, cookery and tableware! Food is for display only.
14th century Cloth Button Making
This is available as a visual presentation and also a Hands-On workshop. The cloth button-making workshops will give you the skills needed to create the finishing touches to your medieval outfit or hood. Easy to follow with the chance to take home your own button in the workshops. 15-20 minutes
Lucet lace making
When medieval records talk about lace, they mean the kind of laces that we use today for shoes. Braid or lace can be made by fingerlooping or with a lucet.Lucet braid makes a four-sided square lace instead of a round lace, which I find to be non-slip for clothing and drawstring pouches- everything stay firmly laced in! This is a Hands-On workshop.
Medieval Feminine Hygiene
This talk takes a candid look at medieval medical beliefs associated with menstruation and explores what medieval woman did at that certain time of the month. This includes samples of potential substances used and the results of road-testing them.
30 minutes duration. Please note: Adult themes.
Making a Basic Medieval Gown
This presentation is aimed at the novice sewer and shows construction and making techniques from laying the pattern out on the fabric, a cutting guide and a slideshow with commentary showing how to make a basic medieval gown based on the Bockstern finds, how it goes together, the way to get it to fit well and the finishing techniques to complete the garment. Display pieces are available for examination and discussion.
Medieval Women's Underwear
This talk takes a look at the underclothes of the medieval woman- did she wear a bra, pants, a corset? How about a chastity belt? It includes information from artworks and archaeological finds. 30 minutes.
Medieval Cut & Colour Paper Dolls
- Male & female figures
- 13th, 14th and 15th century people
- Spare clothes to mix and match
- Suitable for all ages
The dolls come with labelled information on what the items of clothing are called.

Click HERE to get your FREE Paper Dolls.

Medieval Colour-Me-In
- Male & female figures
- 13th, 14th and 15th century people and couples
- Popular with ages 5 to 8, although suitable for all ages.

Click HERE to get your FREE Colour-Me-In pictures..

Copyright © Rosalie Gilbert
All text & photographs within this site are the property of Rosalie Gilbert unless stated.
Art & artifact images remain the property of the owner.
Images and text may not be copied and used without permission.